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One of my favorite aspects of using a bullet journal is the amount of creative freedom that it gives you. With the growth of bullet journals, many users are sharing their spread ideas and designs, many of which are artistic and feature custom paintings and other works of art. If you want to get into this side of bullet journaling too, but don’t feel that you have the time, patience, tools, or artistic ability to do so, don’t worry! Here are some simple ways to start dressing up your bullet journal.

8 Simple Ways to Dress Up Your Bullet Journal

Experiment with fonts.

One of the easiest ways to dress up your bullet journal is by changing up your handwriting! You can try script, skinny letters, bubble letters, and anything else you can think of. Apply them to days of the week, headers, titles, quotes, or anything that you want to stand out.

Stuck for inspiration? Try font websites like fontspace, dafont, or fontsquirrel. These sites let you browse new fonts to download to your computer, but you can also find new ideas to try on paper.

One of the most popular ways of writing headers is with faux calligraphy. Many bujo artists use brush pens to achieve this effect, but they aren’t necessarily needed. You can create this effect by writing in script and then going back to fill in emphasis on the downstrokes. If you’re looking for inexpensive tools, Crayola Supertips are known to achieve the same effect as brush pens.

Experiment with headers.

In addition to fonts, adding little designs to your headers are quick and simple. Try adding shapes, wreaths, and shadows to prettify your bujo.

Here’s a little spread I made with design ideas. Try these for yourself and see if you like them!

Bullet Journal Headers

Add color.

Got any markers, highlighters, or anything else colorful? Try outlining or highlighting anything you wish for a nice pop of color.

Crayola Supertips would also work great here, so if you’re looking for a good all-in-one marker I’d recommend it!

You can try for a color scheme per week, month, or even year. You can choose one color or two, or play with many colors. Try creating borders at the top and bottom of pages, or marking the sides of the pages as an index.

When trying to keep my bullet journal fairly simple, I like working with one color from my set of Zebra Mildliners on a basic spread. I think it keeps things pretty while still being organized.

March Weekly Bullet Journal Spread

Use stickers.

Whether they’re regular stickers or ones specifically made for planners, stickers can make an easy, pretty addition to any journal or planner. You can also find stickers sized for the Happy Planner and Erin Condren planners that would work just as well with a bullet journal. Search for them for purchase on Etsy and other shops, or find printables that others offer for free.

I used these all the time with my planners. There are lots of lovely themed ones out there that also include trackers, reminders, and to-do lists.

Add washi tape.

Washi tape is great because of the amount of varieties available – plus, you can find them pretty much anywhere now for a good price! I’ve always been able to grab some on clearance from the craft store – always check the clearance bin! You can also find some nice varieties online.

Just like with markers, you can use washi tape to make nice borders on your pages. You can also layer strips of tape over each other to make designs. For organizational purposes, you can make page flags for frequent pages so you can easily find what you’re looking for.

More recently I’ve also seen washi tape rolls specifically for bullet journals and planners. They include days of the week, checkboxes, and other useful additions for your bujo.

Print pictures.

Depending on whether you’re willing to spare the printer ink, printing pictures for your bullet journal is an easy way to dress up any spread. Find some pictures online, or paste in your own and write about them.

After pasting them in, try making borders or frames with markers or washi tape. Layer them, make interesting cuts, or dedicate a whole spread to them – it’s up to you!

Try stencils.

If you like consistency and having your spread done quickly, try using stencils! In addition to regular ones there are stencils made specifically for bullet journals. They can certainly speed up making your weekly spreads, especially if what you need to draw the same shapes over and over.

Doodle on your spreads.

There are many talented artists out there painting landscapes for their monthly cover pages, which can be hard to do if you don’t have the background. Luckily, there are a lot of pictures and videos that show you some ideas and tutorials for simple and easy doodles that you can add all over your spreads. Go ahead and search for bullet journal doodles – save some tutorials for inspiration, or commit to learning a few so you have ideas when you’re making your spreads. Or, you can add a little at a time while you’re multitasking. Like to scribble on the phone? Try it in your bullet journal.

I hope these ideas inspired you to get creative in your bullet journal! Let me know what methods you’re using to dress up your bujo.



Julie Anna

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