This year, I decided I wanted to try using my bullet journal as a tool to not only to track my to-do’s, but also to have a space to do so creatively. For my yearly spreads, I decided to incorporate some watercolor, and for January, I made a little upgrade to my January spread from 2018. For February, I decided to go for something pastel pink in the spirit of Valentine’s Day. Here’s how those spreads came out, and how I created them:
February 2019 Landing Page
For this month’s theme, I decided I really liked the colors from the Tombow pastels set, so I picked up a pack and worked with the pinks from those set. And lately, I’ve been browsing on sites like WeHeartIt for journal inspiration. I’ve been seeing a lot of drawings of flowers on single stems, so I used that for inspiration for the flowers here. I used the pastels for the flowers, then took my pens from the Tombow landscape set to color the stems. Finally, I took my sepia Pigma Micron pens to outline where needed. It took a few extra minutes to do these on each page, but I like the way they turned out, despite the fact that I didn’t take the time to fully perfect them.
Because I was really loving my new pastels, I decided to continue using pastel pink as the header. I also thought my Pigma Brush and Micron pens would look nice paired with the pink (flowers and chocolate, anyone?), so I used them for the border of my Books and Goals sections. I really like the use of my sepia pens here, so much that I will likely write in my tasks using those pens as well!

At-A-Glance / Pages Read
Continuing with the floral theme, I added smaller versions of my flowers from before at the bottom. I also continued using my Pigma pens on this page, but this time also incorporating my Pigma Graphic to write the dates. I enjoy using these pens because I have a range of sizes to easily make certain words or images stand out or blend in.
I stuck with the same at-a-glance as last month. I used to list my numbers at the side, but placing the dates in the middle gives more room to write more appointments or events on each side. This will be especially helpful this month for when I travel!
The Pages Read spread also made it into February since the visualization is helping me stay on track, and I’ve been good about filling it out. So far it’s been a great way for me to challenge myself to read more each night, and just have an idea of how many pages I read in a day.
February 2019 Weekly Spread
I really liked the look of the brush lettering in my January spread, mainly because it took just as much time to do so as regular handwriting, but looked twice as good! So for February, I concentrated on the days of the week as a focal point. I was able to practice my hand lettering this way, and the use of the pinks and browns were all I needed to make these pages pop.
I also added smaller flowers in the corner. I only did so at this point to carry the theme throughout the spreads because, in all honesty, I was getting tired of drawing them! I think the snowflakes from the previous month were more interesting because I was more comfortable when it came to drawing variations of the same thing. These, not so much. Despite that, they were honestly not too bad to draw, and I really like that they are prevalent throughout the spreads.
Since there is some time this month that I will be away, I did leave more space on some pages. I thought it would be nice to journal the events of my day instead of listing tasks so that I could look back on them. Maybe I’ll try pasting some things in as well!

I hope that these spreads gave you some inspiration for your own journals! I’m not too sure about what I’ll do for March, but I am thinking about a theme revolving around multiple colors in place of just one. Let me know what you think!
Julie Anna