As it turns out, the last couple weeks have been a little hectic! I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a little bit, but I promise I will post regularly again shortly. In the meantime, I’ve been tagged by Anna at Love Thyme Self to do a fun ABC’s challenge – be sure to check out her blog! And if you want to do this tag, be sure to share in the comments below!

Age: 21

Biggest fear: Fire. I don’t use candles. Ever. Wax warmers all the way!

Current time: 5:37 PM

Drink you had last: Water.

Easiest person to talk to: My best friends! <3

Favorite song: That’s so hard! Well, my favorite song by my favorite band is This Boy – The Beatles. The harmonies are amazing. But is that my favorite song ever? I don’t know. There’s too many to pick!

Grossest memory: When I was studying in Florida and a snake fell out of the sky and nearly hit me in the head. Actually, it fell out of a tree. I clearly was not thinking that snakes would be hanging out in trees. Also, all other instances of encountering weird giant bugs in Florida. Did you know that some cockroaches can fly? Yeah, you bet I learned that the hard way too.

Hometown: New York.

In love with: Is good food an answer?

Jealous of: People that can eat whatever they want and not get sick.

Kindest person you know: One of my best friends from college who has always been overflowing with love and support and has always acted in the best interests of everyone else, especially those in need. Who is also an inspiration for me to be more like!

Life isn’t complete without: Having pets.

Middle name: Don’t have one!

Number of siblings: 2 brothers and 1 sister

One wish: I wish I had a superpower where I could take off stress from people. Sometimes my friends and family are in stressful situations where I wish I could do more to help than be support for them.

Person you last spoke with on the phone: My boss.

Question you’re always being asked: Why are you so quiet?

Reason to smile: There are cats all over the internet.

Song you last sang: I have no idea to be honest.

Time you woke up: 7 AM. I work from home so I get to sleep in a little!

Unknown fact about me: I like to watch classic TV!

Vacation destination on your mind: I recently met a couple from England and have been thinking about that a lot lately! But I’d also like to go back to Disney soon.

Worst habit: Getting stressed over simple things.

X-rays you’ve had: My back for scoliosis, and my teeth, not just for regular dental stuff but for surgery too!

Your favorite food: Bagels. Specifically, pretzel bagels. Whoever came up with pretzel bagels is a genius in my book.

Zodiac sign: Scorpio.


Be sure to check out Love Thyme Self and let me know below if you’ve done this tag as well!




Julie Anna
