WWW Wednesday is a tag currently hosted at Taking on A World of Words. The three W’s are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So I meant for this weekend to be a really heavy reading weekend, right? Well…it looks like that didn’t happen because I decided to re-do my blog. Because…well…I don’t know. But I’m liking it! And then I found a bug with my builder and that took hours to fix and I’m still working on a workaround for the rest of my posts, oops. So pardon the construction, please! 😅

Anyway, since I had a bit of a reading fail it looks like I have some catching up to do if I want to finish my TBR this month. But here’s everything that I’ve been reading lately and what’s up next!

Currently Reading:

Seven Devils by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May

Seven Devils is the first in a science-fiction duology. It follows seven resistance fighters and their mission to free the galaxy from the empire – and the roadblocks they face on the way there.

I’m really liking the story so far, but I am struggling a bit with the many perspectives and time jumps here. I am enjoying it though, and I think I’m going to finish it soon! (Also, while looking at the cover I just had a ‘ahaha I get it’ moment. Guess that’s what happens when you read on Kindle and don’t see the cover as much!)

Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor

When a small town outcast known as “The Witch” is found dead, speculation runs loose and investigations begin. Hurricane Season explores this small Mexican town and its villagers.

I’m amazed by the writing of this novel, and it has me curious about the translation of works like these and how they convey the same tones and indirect messages. It’s hard to describe where I’m currently at in this book without saying too much, but I’m looking foward to sharing my final thoughts. 

Recently Read:

Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles

Where Dreams Descend is the first book in a duology. It follows a group of magicians facing off to determine who the next headliner of the Conquering Circus will be. Little do they know there is the threat of danger waiting for them.

I enjoyed this one! It was definitely nice and atmospheric. It was on the slower-paced side, so just a word of warning on that if you prefer fast-paced, plot-driven stories. But it was nice to read another story about a circus – it’s been too long!

Up Next:

White Oleander by Janet Finch

White Oleander follows Ingrid, who was imprisoned for murder, and her daughter Astrid, who lives between many Los Angeles foster homes. As Astrid moves from one foster home to another, each one unique in its own challenges, she finds herself on a path to self-discovery.

White Oleander has been on my physical TBR for quite some time now, and I think it’s the perfect time to finally read it. With all the new releases out this year I’ve put less of a focus on reducing my physical TBR. But now, I really want to start making a habit of prioritizing these books again – starting with White Oleander!

That’s all for this week’s WWW Wednesday. Leave a comment if you participated this week too so I can read your post – or let me know what you’re currently reading below!

Julie Anna


WWW Wednesday: 3/31/21

WWW Wednesday: 3/31/21

WWW Wednesday is a tag currently hosted at Taking on A World of Words. The three W’s are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

WWW Wednesday: 3/24/21

WWW Wednesday: 3/24/21

WWW Wednesday is a tag currently hosted at Taking on A World of Words. The three W’s are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

WWW Wednesday: 3/17/21

WWW Wednesday: 3/17/21

WWW Wednesday is a tag currently hosted at Taking on A World of Words. The three W's are: What are you currently reading?What did you recently finish reading?What do you think you’ll read next? Happy Wednesday, everyone! This week has been a bit of a diversion from...
